Dr. M. Rezwan Khan

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

Email: rezwanm@eee.buet.ac.bd
Phone: (880 2) 9665650 Ext. 7473 (R), 7105 (O)
Fax: (880 2) 8613026 or 8613046


Academic background

B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, 1980 (BUET)
M.Sc. in Microwaves and Optics, 1982 (University College London)
Ph.D. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, 1986 (University College London)

Working as a faculty at BUET since April 1980. Worked as an Associate Professor in University of Bahrain (1992-1994) in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Served as a visiting faculty, Clarkson University, New York (Summer 2000).

Research Interests

  • Thin film electronic devices
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Power Electronics/Renewable Energy Technology
  • Electromagnetics and Communications


If you want to know more :  Curriculum Vitae 

Publications :  Journal     Conference    Others

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