

Date and Place of birth

January 26, 1957, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Present Address

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tel/Fax : (880 2) 9665650 Ext 7473 
Fax: (880 2) 8613026 or 8613046


1. Microelectronics 
2. Digital Signal Processing  
3. Power electronics/renewable energy
4.. Electromagnetics and communication.







B.Sc.(Elec. Engg.)  


Bangladesh University of Engineering
 and Technology (BUET)

1st class with honours

(Microwaves and Modern Optics)


University College London, UK



University College London, UK

  *Ph.D. dissertation was  titled "A beam steering technique using dielectric wedges".


a)  Lecturer :  

Department of Electrical Engineering,
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), 
Dhaka, Bangladesh.   April 1980 - January 1986.

b) Assistant Professor :

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,                                  Bangladesh University of Engineering  & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
January 1986 - July 1989.  

c) Associate Professor :

Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Bahrain, Isa Town, Bahrain   
Sept. 1992 - August 1994.  

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,    
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), 
Dhaka, Bangladesh.  
July 1989 - Sept. 1992 and Sept.1994- July 1996.  

d) Professor :

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), 
Dhaka, Bangladesh.                                                                                              July 10, 1996 - to date.  

Visited Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York, USA, as a visiting  faculty member for the Summer Session II, July 3 – Aug. 5, 2000, and taught  the summer course on Microelectronics (EE341).

  Also have experience in part time teaching in the following universities:

  •   Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  • Islamic Institute of Technology, (An OIC run institute), Tongi, Bangladesh


a) Undergraduate level -  Electrical circuits, Linear System Analysis, Microelectronics, Electromagnetic theory, Electrical Engineering Materials, Data Communications, Microwave Engineering, Signals and Systems.

b) Post graduate level - Laser theory, Energy Conversion.


a. Master’s Thesis  

  Title of the thesis     

Year of completion 


1. Study of nondestructive metal testing using 
    electromagnetic induction  



2. Quantum mechanical analysis of potential
   channel  structures for current divider



3. Analysis of periodic potential structures by
    quantum mechanical impedance concept      



4. Quantum mechanical investigation of the resonant tunneling 
   phenomena for multi-barrier potential structures                                        



5. Analysis of electron flow in potential channel structures
   discontinuous in the transverse dimension.  



6. Extraction of latent heat from atmospheric  moisture
    using electric field.  



7. Calculation of trapped charge  in the SiO2 layer of an
    enhancement type MOSFET using impurity trap levels.  



8. Simultaneous compensation of reactive and harmonic
  components of line current  using superconducting   magnet
   energy storage  



9. Calculation of gate current due to incoherent    scattering
   of the electrons waves by the trapped impurities  



10. New structure for high efficiency solar cells

on going 


11. Speech enhancement by time-frequency domain  filtering 

on going 


12. Modeling of vocal chord using frequency domain  
      envelop function    

on going  



b. Ph.D. Thesis  


1.      Development of a new current controlled pulse  
width modulator for voltage source inverter  




Funded projects  Funded by US$   Year/duration  
1.      Design and construction of low loss  semi-electronic
     ballast for fluorescent mercury    vapour lamps.  
BUET 1,000    1989 
(6 months) 
2.      Design and construction of a low cost  battery driven
     small vehicle               
 Grameen Trust 10,000   1997-1999
(18 months)  
3.      Design and construction of an  induction type dc
BUET  1,500  1997-1998 
(6 months)  
 4. Investigation to the cause of end blackening   of 
     fluorescent lamps.
Energy Systems 1,500  1998-1999
(4 months)
5.     a. Design and development of low cost DC-DC  
converter for Solar PV Home systems  

   b. Design and development of low cost  DC-pump for
    rural  villages using solar PV panels.

   c. Design and development of optimum power tracking
    charge controller for solar PV systems.  

Grameen Shakti    7,500  1999-2000
(12 months)  

6.      Design and implementation of micro-hydro

project at Bamer Chara, Chittagong    

 LGED  22,000  2003-2004  

7.      A study on awareness and financial models for energy efficiency in Bangladesh  

AED 1,600  2003
 (Six weks)  


Other projects                                                                                         

(Done at BUET if not specified otherwise)  

Year            (Duration)  
8.      Effect of electron scattering on the coherent behaviour of
      electron waves in resonant tunneling devices. 
1991           (6 months)  
7. Calculation of density of states for solid state electron

 1991-92     (6 months)  
8.      Real power control of power systems using supermagnet 
energy storage device. (Done at University of Bahrain)  
1993            (6 months)  
 9. Dehumidification using electric field
1991-92      (12 months)  
10. Effect of tunneling of gas molecules on thermal equilibrium
      of an ideal gas.  
  1994-95     (12 months) 
11. Low voltage electrolysis of water for extraction of thermal
 1998-99     (12 months)  
12. Design and construction of high starting torque squirrel cage
      induction motor using low permeability conducting material. 
2000-01      (12 months) 
13. Design and development of Pedaling generator for
     rural home systems.  
 2001           (4 months)
 14. Modeling of the bonding behaviour of liquid water to
      explain its physical properties like density variation and surface
      tension variation with temperature.  
1997-2001   (4years) 
15. Design and development of antennas and repeaters for
      mobile telecom system in Bangladesh.  
 2000-01      (6 months)   
16. Estimation of system parameters at a very low SNR by 
      noise pre-filtering  
17. Speech enhancement using small sub-frame sections  
      in DCT domain       

18. Low cost 1D solar tracking system 2003-2004  



1. Presented paper in the 14th European Microwave Conference, Liege, Belgium, Sept. 1984.

2. Lectured as a resource person at RONAST (Royal Nepal Academy of Science & Technology), Kathmandu, Nepal in August 1989 on digital electronics.

3. Attended the Summer College on Physics of Low Dimensional Semiconductor Devices at ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics) Trieste, Italy, in April 1990. Presented talks on "Calculation of conduction band for arbitrary periodic potentials using quantum mechanical impedance" and "A new potential channel structure for interference type amplifier" during the stay at ICTP.

4. Lectured as a resource person in the workshop on NDT (Nondestructive testing) using eddy current at the AEC (Atomic Energy Commission) Dhaka, Bangladesh in October, 1990 and in November 1991.

5. Presented paper titled "A Novel Dehumidification Technique Using Electric Field" at the 45th International Appliance Technical Conference, May 9-11, 1994, Held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The paper was judged to be the best technical paper.

6. Presented a paper titled ‘Effect of force field on the thermal equilibrium of an ideal gas’ at the APS and AAPT Joint Meeting, May 2-5, 1996, at Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. Also presented talks on the same topic at University of Colorado at Denver, University of South Florida at Tampa and University of Connecticut at Storrs.

7. Presented the paper titled ‘Simultaneous compensation of reactive and harmonic components of line current using super magnet energy storage’ at the International Power Engineering Conference IPEC’97, May 22-23, 1997, held at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

8. Attended International conference on ‘Renewable Energy Technology for Rural Development’ held at Kathmandu, Nepal, in October 1998.

9. Visited Centre for Renewable Energy System Technology, Loughborough University, UK, from February 25 to March 7, 2000, under a link programme. Presented a seminar on  ‘Premature Blackening of the Fluorescent DC Lamps Used in Solar PV Home Systems’.

10.Visited Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York, USA, as a visiting faculty member for the Summer Session II, July 3 – Aug. 5, 2000, and taught the summer course on Microelectronics (EE341). Also involved in research regarding the 3D electron transport in generalized potential structure.

11. Attended training program on ‘Energy Efficiency in South Asia Region’, held in Mumbai, India, December 2002, organized, by Academy for Educational Development, funded by USAID.


1. Received the ‘Dana Chase Memorial Award’ for the best paper “A Novel Dehumidification Technique Using Electric Field” presented at the 45th International Appliance Technical Conference held at Madison, Wisconsin, USA, May 1994. Also received the ‘Best Presentation Award’ in the same conference.

2.      Member of the Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh.

3. Member IEEE.


1. Served as the Provost of the Ahsanullah Hall, the largest students’ hall of residence in Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology,  September 1996 to January 1998.

2. Served as the Secretary of the Board of the Undergraduate Studies (BUGS) and the Board of the Post-graduate Studies (BPGS), Department of EEE, BUET.

3. Served as a member/convenor in different academic and administrative committees like syllabus review committee, development and maintenance of Power electronics and Electronics lab etc.

4. Involved in different consultancy services provided to the industries organized by the university. A brief list of the important works is given below

  • Estimation of the harmonics injected to the power system by a steel mill

  • Consulting service for the updating and modification of the National Load Dispatch Centre Project, Bangladesh

  • Computer controlled automation for different industries in Bangladesh

  • Earthing design for telecom stations around Bangladesh

  • Consulting services to Unique Power Plant, Meghna Group of Industries, Bangladesh

 5. Served as the Secretary, Technical Committee, International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (ICECE 2001), Jan. 5-6, 2001.

 6.      Chairman, Technical Standards Committee, for the implementation of the World Bank funded Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project (2002-2007) in Bangladesh.

 7.      Serving as the Technical Chair, International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE 2002), Dec. 26-28, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

 8.      Member, Programme Committee, International Conference on Information Technology, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 2003.

 9.      Reviewer :  IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices                                                                                                    International Conference on Electrical and Comp. Engg. (ICECE 2002) 
                         Journal of the Institute of Engineers' , Bangladesh