1. M.R.Khan, "Towards the dimension of an electron", Technical Journal, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka, 1980-81, pp133-35.

 2. M.R.Khan, "An artificial dielectric wedge for antenna beam steering", Journal of Modeling, Simulation & Control (France), vol.18, 1988, pp 59-64.

 3. M.R.Khan, "Generation of cross polar component due to a quarter wave matching layer", Electrical Engineering Research Bulletin, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, vol.4, no.1, 1988, pp 1-6.

 4. M.R.Khan, C.D.McEwen, "A novel beam steering technique using dielectric wedges", Journal of the Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh, vol.16, no.2, April 1988, pp 1-7.

 5. A.N.Khondker, M.R.Khan, A.F.M.Anwar, "Transmission line analogy of resonance tunneling: The generalized impedance concept", Journal of Applied Physics, vol 63, no. 10, 15 May, 1988, pp 5191-93.

 6. H.D.Griffiths, M.R.Khan, "A pair of dielectric wedges for antenna beam steering", Proc. of IEE, vol. 136, no. 2, part- H, April 1989, pp 126-131.

 7. A.F.M.Anwar, A.N.Khondker, M.R.Khan, "Calculation of traversal time in resonant tunneling devices", Journal of Applied Physics, vol.65, no.7, 1 April, 1989, pp 2761-65.

 8. M.Z.Alam, M.R.Khan, S.M.Rahman, "An empirical model for nondestructive metal testing using eddy current", The British Journal of Nondestructive Testing, vol.32, no.4, April 1990, pp 193-196.

 9. A.Haque, M.Haque, M.R.Khan, "Energy band calculation for periodic potential structure using quantum mechanical impedance", Journal of Applied Physics, vol.68, no.4, 15 August, 1990, pp 1661-64.

 10. S.M.F.Kabir, M.R.Khan, M.A.Alam, "Application of quantum mechanical wave impedance in the solution of Schrodinger's equation in quantum wells", Solid State Electronics, vol. 34, no.12, 1991, pp 1466-1468.

 11. K.M.Rahman, M.R.Khan, "Interference type amplifier using intermodal interference in potential channel structures", Solid State Electronics, vol.35, no.12, pp 1841-42, 1992.

 12. M.Rezwan Khan, M.Fayyaz Khan, "An alternate layer matching technique for dielectric materials", Journal of Modeling, Measurement & Control, A (France), vol.52, no.3, pp27- 37, 1993.

 13. M.Arif-uz-Zaman, M.Rezwan Khan, A.K.M.Sadrul Islam, M.Fayyaz Khan, "Atmospheric moisture: A potential source of energy", Renewable Energy, vol.3, no.8, 1993, pp 941-45.

 14. M.Rezwan Khan and Raqibul Mustafa, "Calculation of wave func­tion in the space charge region of a Double-Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diode with Applications", Solid State Electronics, vol.36,no.11, pp 1619-1622, 1993.

 15. M.Fayyaz Khan, M.Rezwan Khan, "A linearized model for  p-n junctions as temperature sensors", Solid State Electronics, vol.38, no.6, pp 1279-81, 1995.

 16. M.Arif-uz-Zaman, M.Rezwan Khan, A.K.M.Sadrul Islam and M.Fayyaz Khan, “A Novel Dehumidification Technique Using Electric Field”, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol.32, no.1, p.36, 1996. Also presented at the 45th International Appliance Conference, May 9-11, 1994, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

 17. A.H.M.A.Rahim, A.M.Mohammad, M.R.Khan, ‘Control of subsynchronous resonant modes in a series compensated system through superconducting magnetic energy storage’ , IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, v.11, no.1, March 1996, p 175-180. Also presented at the 1995 IEEE-PES Summer Meeting, July 23-27, 1995, Portland, U.S.A.

 18. K.M. Rahman, M.Rezwan Khan, M.A.Choudhury and M.A.Rahman, ‘Variable-Band Hysteresis Current Controllers for PWM Voltage-Source Inverters’ IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol.12, no.6, Nov. 1997.

 19. A.Khan, R.Khan, M.F.Khan and F.Khanam, ‘A cluster model explaining quantitatively the anomalous variation of density of water’, Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 266, no.5/6, p. 473, 1997.

 20. Q.D.M.Khasru, M.N.Uddin and M.R.Khan, Effective lifetime of electron trapped in the oxide of a metal-oxide-semiconductor structure’, Applied Physics Letters, vol.75, pp.522-524, 1999.

 21. K.M.Rahman, M.A.Choudhury, M.Rezwan Khan, ‘Frequency modulated PWM for voltage source inverters’, International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, vol. 21, no.2, 2001, pp 74-80.

 22. A.Khan, M.R.Khan, M.F.Khan and F.Khanam, ‘A cluster model that explains the varaition of surface tension of water with temperature’, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.40 part 1,no.3A, 15 March, 2001, pp.1467-1471.

 23. M.M.Chowdhury, S.Zaman, A.Haque and M.R.Khan ‘Determination of trap distribution in Gate-Oxide Region of Deep Submicron Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Structure from Direct Tunneling Gate Current’,  Applied Physics Letters, vol.80, no.12, 25 March, 2002.

 24. M.K.Hasan, M.S.A.Zilany and M.R.Khan, 'DCT speech enhancement with hard and soft thresholding criteria', Electronics Letters, vol.30, no.13, 20th June, 2002, p669.

 25. K.Alam, S.Zaman, M.M.Choudhury, M.R.Khan, A.Haque,'Effects of inelastic scattering on direct tunneling gate leakage current in deep submicron metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors', Journal of Applied Physics, vol.92, no.2, July 15, 2002, p 937.

 26. S.Salahuddin, S.Z.Al Islam, Md.K.Hasan, M.R.Khan, 'Soft thresholding for DCT speech enhancement',  Electronics Letters, vol.38, no.24, Nov.2002, p1605..

 27. Syed. S. Islam, M. Rezwan Khan and A.F.M. Anwar, 'Effects of impurity traps on gate current and trapped charge in MOSFETs', Solid State Electronics, vol.47, issue 2, Feb. 2003, pp 339-344.

 28. K.M.Rahman, M.Rezwan Khan and Md. Ali Choudhury, 'Implementation of Programmed Modulated Carrier HCC Based on Analytical Solution for Uniform Switching of Voltage Source Inverters', IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol.18, no.1, Jan. 2003, pp188-197.

29. Md. Kamrul Hasan and M. Rezwan Khan, ‘Identification of AR Systems at a Very Low SNR Using Cosine Modeling of Autocorrelation Function’, Journal of Signal Processing (Japan), vol.7, no.1, Jan.2003.

30. M.S.Arefeen Zilany, Md.Kamrul Hasan and M.Rezwan Khan, 'Signal-Bias Compensated Noise Level For Wavelet Speech Enhancement', Journal of Signal Processing (Japan), vol.7, no.1, Jan.2003.

31. Md.Kamrul Hasan, Anowarul Fattah and M.Rezwan Khan, ‘Identification of AR Systems at a Very Low SNR Using damped Sinusoidal Model of Autocorrelation Function’, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.10, no.6, June 2003, p157.

32. M.K.Hasan, A.K.M.Z.Rahim Chowdhury, and M.Rezwan Khan, 'Identification of autoregressive signals in colored noise using damped sinusoidal model', IEEE Trans.on Circuits and Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol.50, no.7, July 2003, pp966-969.

33. M.Kamrul Hasan, Sayeef Salahuddin, M. Rezwan Khan, 'A Modified apriori SNR for Speech Enhancement Using Spectral Subtraction Rules', accepted for publication in IEEE Signal Processing Letters.


34. M.Kamrul Hasan, Sayeef Salahuddin, and M. Rezwan Khan , 'Reducing Signal-bias from MAD estimated Noise Level for DCT Speech Enhancement', accepted for publication in Signal Processing.  




1. C.D.McEwen, M.R.Khan, "Beam steering method with improved side lobe response using dielectric wedges for satellite TV reception", Proc. of 14th European Microwave Conference, Liege, Belgium, Sept. 1984, pp 681-85.

 2. S.I.Khan, M.H.Rashid and M.R.Khan, "Generalized circuit model for static converters", 32nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE-University of Illinois, Urbana, USA, August 14-16, 1989.

.3. M.Bashir Uddin, M.Akhtar, M.R.Khan, M.A.Choudhury, M.A.Rahman, "Phase shifting by static PWM cycloinverters for starting single phase induction motor", PCC Yokohama, Japan, 1993.

 4. M.Bashir Uddin, M.Akhtar, M.R.Khan, M.A.Choudhury, M.A.Rahman, "Phase shifting by static PWM cycloconverters and inverters for starting single phase induction motor", International Power Electronics Conference, Singapore, March 18- 19, 1993.

 5. M.Rezwan Khan, Huda M.A. Al-Jenaid, M.Fayyaz Khan, "Duty cycle based Volt/Hertz Inverter Control for Induction Motors", presented at IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting Conference, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A, October 2-7, 1994.

 6.  M.Taleb, A.Kamal, A.J.Sowaied, M.R.Khan, ‘Alternative active power filter’, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth, PEDES ’96, part.1, Jan.8-11, 1996, v.1, New Delhi, India.

  7. M.Rezwan Khan, “Effect of force field on the thermal equilibrium of an ideal gas”, presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of American Physical Society and American Association of Physics Teachers,  Indianapolis, USA, 2-5 May, 1996.   

8. M.Rezwan Khan & A.I.Al-Sammak, ‘A 12-step voltage source inverter control circuit for induction motor drives’, IEEE IA Annual Meeting Conference, October 1996, San Deigo, USA, pp 1605-9

 9. M.Rezwan Khan & M.Azizur Rahman, ‘Simultaneous compensation of reactive and harmonic component of line current using super magnet energy storage’, IPEC’97, Singapore, May, 1997.

 10. K.M.Rahman, M.A.Choudhury, M.Rezwan Khan and M.A.Rahman,”Dual slope carrier injected wide band delta modulator for voltage source inverters”, 32nd University Power Engineering Conference, (UPEC’97), UMIST, Manchester, U.K., 10-12 Sept., pp 814-817, 1997.

 11. K.M.Rahman, M.Rezwan Khan, M.A.Choudhury and M.A.Rahman, ‘Microcomputer based naturally sampled PWM control of static power converters’ , UPEC’97, UMIST, Manchester, U.K., Sept. 10-12, pp 826-829,1997.

 12.              K.M.Rahman, M.A.Choudhury, M.Rezwan Khan and M.A.Rahman, “Dual slope integrator type delta modulator for high performance voltage source inverters”, IEEE-PCC Nagoka’97, Japan, pp 451-455, 1997.

 13. Kazi Mujibur Rahman, M.Rezwan Khan, M.A.Choudhury and M.A.Rahman, “Frequency modulated PWM for voltage source inverters”, UPEC’98, Edinburgh, U.K., 8-10 Sept., 1998. 

14. M.S.Akbar, F.Khan, S.A.Badruddoza and M.Rezwan Khan,Design and Development of an Induction Motor Driven Low Cost Solar PV Irrigation System for Rural Bangladesh’, International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (ICECE 2001), Dhaka, Bangladesh, Jan. 5-6, 2001,

 15. K.M.Rahman, M.A.Choudhury, M.Rezwan Khan and M.A.Rahman, ‘Sine PWM Current tracking Controller: A New Uniform switching Current Controller for VSI Fed AC Motor Drives’, accepted for presentation at UPEC 2001, University of Wales, Swansea, UK, 12-14 September, 2001.

 16. M.Rezwan Khan, ‘A High Frequency Central Inverter for Multi-lamp Solar PV Home System’,  International Conference on Renewable Energy for Rural Development, 19-21 January 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

 17. A.K.M.Sadrul Islam, M.Quamrul Islam, M.Rezwan Khan and K.M.Rahman, 'Developing a Pedaling Generator for House Hold Electricity Supply in Rural Bangladesh : A Feasibility Study', International Conference on Renewable Energy for Rural Development, 19-21 January 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

 18. S.A.Fattah, M.Kamrul Hasan, M.Rezwan Khan, 'Identification of AR Systems at a Very Low SNR Using Damped  Cosine Model of Autocorrelation Function',  ICASSP 2002, 13-17 May, Orlando, Florida, USA.

 19. M.S.A.Zilany, M.K.Hasan and M.R.Khan, 'Wavelet speech enhancement using fourth order cumulant', International Symposium on Communication system, Networks, Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP 2002), pp. 387-390, July 15-17, 2002, Staffordshire, U.K.

 20. M.K.Hasan, A.K.M.Z.R.Chowdhury, Rubyat Adnan and M.R.Khan, 'A new method for parameter estimation of autoregressive signals in coloured noise', Proc. of XI European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2002), Sept. 3-6, 2002, Toulouse, France.

 21. M.S.A.Zilany, M.K.Hasan and M.R.Khan, 'Efficient hard and soft thresholding for wavelet speech enhancement', Proc. of XI European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2002), Sept. 3-6, 2002, Toulouse, France. 

22. M.Rezwan Khan, 'Design Considerations for Solar PV Home Systems in Bangladesh', Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICECE 2002, Dec 26-28, 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

23. M.Rezwan Khan, Anisul Haque and M.Q.Huda, 'A Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Structure for Solar Photo-Voltaic Applications', Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICECE 2002, Dec 26-28, 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

 24. S.Salahuddin, S.Z.Al Islam, M.K.Hasan, M.R.Khan, 'Speech enhancement by envelop restoration and soft thresholding in DCT domain', Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICECE 2002, Dec 26-28, 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

24. S.Salahuddin, S.Z.Al Islam, M.K.Hasan, M.R.Khan, 'Speech enhancement by envelop restoration and soft thresholding in DCT domain', Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICECE 2002, Dec 26-28, 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.




1.      Anomalous Density of Water: The Mystery Unfolded’, M.Ferdouse Khan, A.Khan, M.Rezwan Khan & Fahima Khanam, Published by M.Rezwan Khan, October, 1996.

 2.      Local technology Development for Solar PV Systems’, M.Rezwan Khan, Ch. 13 of the book ‘Photovoltaic Technology for Bangladesh’, edited by A.K.M.Sadrul Islam and D.G.Infield, jointly published by Mechanical Engineering Dept., BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology, Loughborough, U.K, March 2001.